Pheo Guitars
10 Questions We Ask Everyone
Phil Sylvester (Pheo Guitars)
What is Art? Who is an artist? Does an artist work for his own
Phil Sylvester from Pheo Guitars seems to have the
answers to these questions. Their interesting route passes through the essence
of art applied to the construction and re-construction of an instrument: from
the visual to the roots of sound.
Behind the ‘crazy’ look of Pheo Guitars, there’s the experience of an
artist engaged in activities related to create, practice and experiment with
instruments created to be played, where the heart of their sound finds his roots
in the recycled wood from broken or un-restorable vintage instruments.
Phil answered to the 10 questions we ask each guitar-maker who draws our
attention for his artworks and it was a real pleasure to read his point of view
about the fine art of guitar-making.
1. GUITARS EXCHANGE: How did you end up
becoming, or start out as, a luthier?
Phil Sylvester (Pheo Guitars): I’m a visual artist who, long ago,
was a professional guitarist. I have always been interested in great guitars
and after painting for about eighteen years I decided to try an experiment to
see if I could make a guitar the same way I make my paintings, building it,
tearing it apart, rebuilding it, again and again until its sound, action, and
appearance were exceptional. It worked and I was hooked. For nearly twenty years
now, guitars have been my main focus as an artist.
2. GUITARS EXCHANGE: What inspires you to design
and manufacture a new guitar?
Phil Sylvester: With
most of my guitars, I’m experimenting to understand what makes great guitars
great. I’m constantly trying variations in materials, structure, and
electronics to sort out what really matters. Many of my most recent builds
include recycled instrument wood and vintage electronics. I’ve also been
exploring how to make collapsible guitars for travel that match the performance
of the very best conventionally structured guitars. My interest in serious
travel guitars stems from my having had a superb Gibson L5CES crushed by the
airlines when I was a young musician.
3. GUITARS EXCHANGE: Do you look for a given
sound for any particular reason?
Phil Sylvester: As crazy as my guitars look, my goals
are actually very conservative. I’m trying to match the performance of the very
best guitars of the 1950s and early 60s. I’ve owned them all and know how truly
exceptional they sound. They are my benchmark. It isn’t easy to make a new
guitar that sounds as good as a real 1954 Tele or a 1959 Les Paul. That quest
is one of the reasons I’ve begun experimenting with recycled vintage instrument
wood and electronics.
4. GUITARS EXCHANGE: Select one and talk about:
soul, jazz, blues, rock, pop…or other.
Phil Sylvester: I love soul, or rather rhythm and
blues. It carries everything, aspects of jazz, blues, and rock, all rolled into
really moving dance music. Many soul bands, Prince’s for instance, use
musicians that are as good as one would find in the very best jazz groups and
they are using all that skill to create a pocket so deep that you drown in it.
5. GUITARS EXCHANGE: Are you a jobbing artist or
a solitary artisan?
Phil Sylvester: Actually, I’m neither. I am an
artist. I build my guitars for myself, to satisfy my own curiosity. Each
instrument is one of a kind. I don’t make repeated models and don’t take
commissions. Just like a fine art painter, I make my work for myself and if someone
likes it, great.
6. GUITARS EXCHANGE: What was the last record or
CD you bought? And listened to?
Phil Sylvester: I just bought the live
record of Donald Fagen’s New York Rock and Soul Revue. Pretty much anything
Fagen is a part of is worth listening to in depth.
...ONE BODY...
7. GUITARS EXCHANGE: Electric or acoustic?
Phil Sylvester: I have built everything, flat tops,
arch tops, semi hollow and solid bodies, but where I have the most to offer is
in electrics of all sorts. Mastering great acoustic design depends upon
tweaking the parameters of a repeated design, over and over. I’m the wrong
personality type for that kind of work. Also, I play electric far more than
acoustic, so I am much more attuned to how electrics perform.
...ONE NECK...
8. GUITARS EXCHANGE: What is the secret behind
your choice of wood?
Phil Sylvester: I try to find woods that are
reasonably light and that really ring, woods that work together as an ensemble
to create a complex and lively response. These days I particularly like really
old instrument wood that has been played for years and years, wood from
instruments that are broken or have been so radically modified that they aren’t
worth restoring. The thing is, Fender and Gibson used the same great woods on
their student instruments and lap steels that they used on their master grade
instruments and there are many of the student instruments around in compromised
9. GUITARS EXCHANGE: Why should we consider
luthier-crafted guitars as a viable option to guitars made by the large
Phil Sylvester: I believe a good musician could make
great music for a lifetime using mass manufactured guitars. These days, even
some of the least expensive electric guitars are really well made. Luthier made
guitars can be more inspiring, more responsive, more subtly beautiful sounding,
easier to play, but at such great cost because of the labor involved. And
despite the higher prices of luthier made guitars, I don’t know a single
luthier who actually makes a good living. I guess I would say that
luthier-crafted guitars are not really a viable option, but we make them anyway
because we love our work and some crazy people love guitars enough to buy just
enough of what we make to keep us going.
10. GUITARS EXCHANGE: Who plays your guitars? Who
would you like to have play your guitars?
Phil Sylvester: Everyone who has bought a Pheo is a
real player. They buy my instruments for the sound, not to hang on a wall. Two
great jazz players in Salt Lake City are using my instruments, Joshua Payne and
Peter Jensen. I would love to have David Hidalgo choose one of my guitars as a
main instrument. He’s a phenomenal player with great spirit and great tone, but
what really appeals to me is his aesthetic and attitude as an artist. He shoots
for what I shoot for.
Official Pheo Guitars website: